Here are the frequently asked questions for the topic:
1) How to create a new service request? What about purchase orders and work orders?
Answer: From the service request page, go to the rightmost side and look for “More Action”. Click on this to expand it, and select ‘New Service Request’. Fill out the necessary information from the redirected page (you can also upload images) and click ‘Submit’. You can follow the same instructions for both purchase and work orders. However, for work orders, you need to select a service request, and for a purchase order, you need both a work order and a service request.
2) How to view the details for a service request/work order/purchase order?
Answer: For each category of orders, go to the respective page from ‘Tenant Management’. For service requests, go to the rightmost column and click on the blue ‘Details’ button. For work and purchase orders, select the blue box beside the orange edit icon at the rightmost column. Clicking on these will lead you to the details page.
3) Where can we view how many service requests have been made by tenants?
Answer: From the service request page (under Tenant Management), you can view all the requests made by tenants at the top of the page. The requests are all categorized for your convenience. Clicking on each would show you a different list. The ‘New’ category is essentially what you are looking for.
4) Where can you update the status of a service request?
Answer: From the details page of each service request, check the left-hand side. Underneath a huge symbol, you can see the options to ‘Resolve’, ‘Close’ or “Revert Status’ to the previous status. This process is different for work and purchase orders.
5) What are the various stages of a service request, and how do they come about?
6) Is it possible to delete a service request or work order?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to delete the requests/orders from the details page. From the page, look to the top right corner for an icon. This icon is coloured red for the service request page. Clicking on this expands it, from where you can select the ‘Delete’ option.
7) Where is the service request watch-list? How can you add a service request to the watch-list?
Answer: The service request watch-list can be viewed by expanding from the main page and selecting ‘Service Request Watchlist’. As for adding a service request to the watchlist, all you need to do is go to the service request details page, and click on the icon (on the top left corner of the page).
8) Can pictures be uploaded for a service request?
Answer: Yes, pictures can be uploaded from the details page, or while creating the request. However, there can be a maximum of 5 pictures.
9) How will a tenant know when a request has been completed/resolved?
Answer: As soon as you resolve a request, a notification is sent to the tenant via the tenant portal. A mail is sent out bearing the news. You can also comment on the status and the tenant can be updated by reading the comments.
10) How can you edit a work order?
Answer: On the word order page, go to the rightmost column, and click on the sign. This will lead you to a different page where you can edit the work order.
11) Where can I view the cost for a work order?
Answer: From the work order details page (from the rightmost column). After coming to the details page, scroll down to the ‘Unit Entry Log’ section, where you can view the cost of labour and materials, as well as the taxes paid. The total cost is also summarized at the end.
12) Where can I update the status of a work order?
Answer: From the work order details page, you can change the status from the top left corner. Next to ‘Current Status’, you can click the edit symbol and that drops down the status list.
13) Where can the vendor for a work order be changed?
Answer: By clicking to edit a work order, you can edit the work order in any way you like. At the first box of the page, there is a drop-down list above the ‘Add Vendor’ text. You can choose a different vendor from here, as well as add additional information for that vendor.
14) How to send an email to the vendor?
Answer: From the work orders details page, go to the top right corner and click on ‘More Actions’ to expand it. There should be an option from the drop-down list which allows you to send a e-mail to the vendor.
15) Can you add multiple purchase orders/work orders for a service request?
Answer: Yes, you can add multiple purchases or work orders, depending on your needs.
16) How can you export a list of service requests/work orders/purchase orders?
Answer: You can do this from any of the corresponding pages. Above the list of requests/orders you wish to export, there are several options to export as a CSV, Excel or PDF file. You also have the option to print the list.