Here you will find all FAQs related lease management module in Mi Property Portal:
Question: Since I already signed new leases for next year, is there a way to create those leases without the tenant’s involvement? Basically, tenants will not need to sign and, provide their details, and enroll to payment application etc. all over again but it will be done by me as property manager.
Answer: Yes, you can finish the whole lease process without any tenant involvement. If you create a lease in our system, you can either upload an existing lease document (pdf, doc, etc), or you can use our System Generate Lease. After a lease is created, you need to go through a lease approval process (tenant signature, landlord signature, etc.). All these steps can be skipped. Just mark it as complete and proceed to the next step.
At the end of the lease process, you can create the tenant profile. When creating a tenant profile, make sure you check the ‘Do not send an invite’ box so that tenants do not get an invite to join the portal.
Question: Can I send additional documents to tenants along with the lease?
Answer: Yes, you can attach multiple documents along with the system-generated digital lease. The documents have to be uploaded in the ‘Form Management’ section beforehand. Check how to upload documents and articles for more information.
Question: Can I download the lease document before sending it for e-Signature?
Answer: Yes, you can download a completed lease document once it is approved. At the end of the lease creation process, you are asked to approve the lease. Once a lease is approved, you can download the lease as a PDF file.
– To download the file right after approval, click the ‘Download PDF’ button on the same page.
– From the left menu, go to Tenant Management > Tenant Lease > Find the lease and click the ‘Download PDF’ button.