Vendor payments are tracked using bills in Mi Property Portal. Sometimes, a vendor gives a discount on the billed amount. For example, after creating the bill, you get a note from a vendor that they are giving you a discount of a certain amount on a bill. This means the bill amount now has to be adjusted accordingly. In Mi Property Portal, you can log that discount amount as a separate line item in the bill details.
Here are the steps to apply a vendor discount on a bill:
- Login to the portal
- From the left navigation, click Accounting > Bill > Go to the details of the bill where you want to show the discount.
- Click ‘Edit”
An approved bill can not be edited. If you need to edit an approved bill, please copy the bill, modify the new copy and delete the old bill.
- In the middle of the bill details page, click ‘Add Another Item‘
- Provide the discount title, and description, select the category, and enter the price as a negative value
- Click ‘Submit‘ to save the changes
Now, the total due amount will reflect the discounted price.