Usually, you receive money from tenants for rent or other usages (i.e. parking or laundry). However, there are times when you might need to give a discount to a tenant for doing some work for you or maybe for maintaining the rental property or so on. In Mi Property Portal allows you to give a discount to the tenants. In our portal, every income is tracked through invoices. So, to give a discount, you need to apply the discount on the invoice.
Here are the steps to apply a discount on an invoice:
- Login to the portal
- From the left navigation, click Accounting > Invoice > Go to the details of the invoice where you want to apply a discount
- Expand ‘More Action‘ menu dropdown on the top-right > Click ‘Add Rent Discount‘
- Provide the discount amount, the title of the discount, description and click the ‘Apply Discount‘ button.
Now, a line item will appear in the invoice detail section.