Creating a lease takes a lot of time and effort. However, with our software, everything is simplified and put down in a number of steps, as you can see if you click this link and find out how to create a lease. For the question on the topic, a month-to-month lease creation is also possible and quite straightforward.
1) Start creating the lease from the portal.
2) There is an option on Step 3 (Lease Term) of the lease renewal process. Here you can choose whether to set a lease term end date or not to have any lease end date.
You may choose to select “Ends on a set date”, however, this does not make it a month-to-month lease.
However, if you select “Has no set end date“, you do not need to provide an end date, and the lease automatically is considered “a month-to-month” lease.
3) Finish creating the lease.