This guide provides instructions on manually creating owner payout.
1. Owner payout item is automatically created on the cycle start date. However, if necessary, you can manually create it before the cycle start date.
However, if necessary, you can manually create it before the cycle start date.
2. Go to “OwnerPayout”
3. Click the Bulk Actions drop-down
4. Click “Bulk Create/Delete & Recreate”
5. Find and select properties
6. Select payout cycle start month.
7. Click “Search”
8. Confirm that you have the correct period. Otherwise, change the cycle start month and search again.
9. Check the box to select the payout item to be created.
10. Click “Delete/Generate Payout”
11. On the popup window, check the auto-adjust option if you want any advanced payment to be auto-adjusted.
12. Click “Confirm & Submit”
13. Check for the “Successfully created the management fee invoice/payout” message
14. Click the Owner Payout button to go back to the Owner Payout section.
15. Find and select properties
16. Click “LOAD DATA” button
17. Owner payout item is available for record payment
Hope this is helpful. If you need any help, please submit a ticket.