Uploading your properties, tenants, units, owners and vendors can be exhausting if you do it one by one but in Mi Property Portal we want to eliminate that. We are now allowing our clients to do it in one go. All you have to do is download our template, double-check your information and make sure that all the fields are filled and upload it to our system.
Follow the steps below to know how to Bulk upload data: TenantFirstName
- In your Dashboard, hover to the right, under ‘What do you want to do’ Click ‘Bulk Upload.’
- The first button is the Official ‘Template File’ that all our clients will use to upload their data to our system.
- Remember that you need to upload the files in this order 1. Properties 2. Units 3. Owners 4. Tenants 5. Vendors (Properties, Units and Owners are dependent on each other, so please follow the given order)
- Download the ‘Sample Template’ to see, understand, and guide on how to use and list your information using our template.
- Download the ‘Template Column Definition’ to know the definition of each column (Note: each bulk upload template has ‘Sample Template’ and Template Column Definition’ that you can use to guide you)
- The only format that we allow is a .csv file
Note: When doing the bulk upload, please make sure that the column is filled properly with the right information.
- Blank columns and columns without a title with details will incur an error.
- If there are no problems with the details that you have uploaded, a Valid message will show and you can now Click ‘Upload all Properties’
- Refer here for the Column definition:
- Required: PropertyName, StreetNumber, StreetName, City, Province, PostalCode, Country, ManagedBy
- Optional: PropertyType, OwnerShipType, PrimaryPhone, PrimaryEmail, TotalLandArea, TotalPropertyArea,
- Property Types – Apartment, Condo, House, Apartment House, Apartment Building, APT/CONDO, Town Home, Town House, TH/MULTIPLEX
- Commercial, Commercial/Residential, Small Commercial, Mix use, Plaza, Single, Duplex, Triplex, 4 Plex, 5 Plex, 6 Plex, 7 Plex, 8 Plex, Multiplex, Other
- Ownership Type – Own, Lease, Rent, Other
- Primary Phone – Numbers Only (i.e. 4161230000)
- Managed By – PropertyManager/Owner
- Required: PropertyName, UnitNumber, RentAmount, NumberOfBedrooms
- Optional: SizeInSqFt, TotalNumberOfRooms, TotalNumberOfWashRoomsPropertyName – Must match with already uploaded property name
- UnitNumber – Unique unit number for a property
- RentAmount – Must be greater than or equal to 0
- NumberOfBedrooms – i.e. One, Two Bachelor Studio etc. A numeric value is also allowed.
- TotalNumberOfRooms – Must be a numeric value, i.e. 3
- TotalNumberOfWashRooms – Decimal value is allowed, i.e. 1.5
- Required: LandLordFirstName, LandLordLastName, LandLordAddressStreetNumber, LandLordAddressStreetName, LandLordAddressCity, LandLordAddressPostalCode LandLordAddressProvince
- Optional: LandLordEmail, LandLordPhone, IsCanadianNonResidence, PropertyNamesLandlordEmail – The field is optional. But it is Highly Recommended to provide the email.
- LandLordAddressPostal Code – Example: M1L3T8 or M1L 3T8
- LandLordAddressProvince – Example: Ontario
- IsCanadianNon-Residence – Yes or No, Default is ‘No’ when value not provided” “Semicolon (;) separated property names.
- PropertyNames – Property names must exist in the system. Example: South Tower; West Tower; North Tower
- Required: TenantFirstName, TenantLastName, PropertyName, UnitNumber, FirstRentalInvoiceDate, RentAmount
- Optional: TenantEmail, TenantPhone, TenantDateOfBirth, DepositAmount, KeyDepositAmount, PetDepositAmount, Tenant2FirstName, Tenant2LastName, Tenant2Email, Tenant2Phone, Tenant2DateOfBirth, Tenant2Relation, Tenant3FirstName, Tenant3LastName, Tenant3Email, Tenant3Phone, Tenant3DateOfBirth, Tenant3Relation, Tenant4FirstName, Tenant4LastName, Tenant4Email, Tenant4Phone, Tenant4DateOfBirth, Tenant4Relation, Tenant5FirstName, Tenant5LastName, Tenant5Email, Tenant5Phone, Tenant5DateOfBirth, Tenant5Relation
- Optional*: DepositHeldBy, KeyDepositHeldBy, PetDepositHeldByTenantFirstName – Primary Tenant First Name
- TenantLastName – Primary Tenant Last Name
- TenantDateOfBirth – Primary Tenant Date of Birth
- PropertyName – Name of the property as inserted in System (not the address)
- UnitNumber: Must match an existing unit number
- FirstRentalInvoiceDate – YYYY-MM-DD Must be greater or equal to Lease start date
- DepositAmount – Optional, i.e. Last Month’s Rent/Security Deposit
- DepositHeldBy – PropertyManager/Owner *Required when deposit amount is provided
- KeyDepositHeldBy – PropertyManager/Owner *Required when key deposit amount is provided
- PetDepositHeldBy – PropertyManager/Owner *Required when pet deposit amount is provided
- Tenant2Relation – i.e. Spouse
- Tenant2DateOfBirth – YYYY-MM-DD
- Tenant3FirstName – Tenant 3 info will appear under the lease and lease signature section
- Tenant3LastName – Tenant 3 info will appear under the lease and lease signature section
- Tenant3DateOfBirth – YYYY-MM-DD
- Tenant3Relation – i.e. Son
- Tenant4FirstName – Tenant 4 info will appear under the lease and lease signature section
- Tenant4LastName – Tenant 4 info will appear under the lease and lease signature section
- Tenant4DateOfBirth – YYYY-MM-DD
- Tenant4Relation – i.e. Daughter
- Tenant5FirstName – Tenant 5 info will appear under the lease and lease signature section
- Tenant5LastName – Tenant 5 info will appear under the lease and lease signature section
- Tenant5DateOfBirth – YYYY-MM-DD
- Tenant5Relation – i.e. Brother
- Optional: BusinessName. PrimaryContactFirstName, PrimaryContactLastName, OperatingName, Email PrimaryPhone, SecondaryPhone, Address City, PostalCode, Province Country, ServiceTaxNumberBusinessName – If Business Name is empty, you must provide Primary Contact Info.
- PrimaryContactFirstName – If Business Name is empty, you must provide the Primary Contact Info
- PrimaryContactLastName – If Business Name is empty, you must provide the Primary Contact Info
- PostalCode – Example: M1L3T8 or M1L 3T8
- Province – Example: Ontario
- Country – Example: Canada