We allow property administrators to send mass email communication to tenants. The communication goes as an announcement to all the tenants for one or more selected properties. When an announcement is posted, the tenant gets a notification in their email and it also shows in the announcement section of the tenant portal. An announcement contains the followings:
- Posting Date
- Subject
- Message
- Expire Date: After the expiry date, the announcement will not be visible in the tenant portal.
- Attachment (optional)
Follow the steps to create an announcement:
- Go to Property Management > Announcements.
- Click + Tenant Announcement > Add Expiry Date, Select Property and Tenant, Header Line 1 and 2, Subject, Message and Footer; you can also upload related documents here.
- Tick ‘Send Email to Tenant (s)’; this email will be sent to those tenants that have a valid email address.
- Tick ‘Send SMS to Tenant (s)’; only tenants that have valid phone numbers will receive the SMS
- Once done, click ‘Submit.’
- Note: This announcement will be available in the ‘Tenant Portal.’ Tenants can view this announcement after they log in to the portal.