Mi Property Portal allows uploading many terms and conditions on the portal. You can upload an unlimited number of documents. However, only three(3) pre-loaded terms and conditions can be attached to a lease document. Here are some facts about the uploaded file:
- It must be a PDF file.
- There is no limit on the number of pages in that file. However, the load time of the lease will be very slow if the terms and conditions file is too large.
- The uploaded file can be viewed but can not be edited on the portal.
How to upload?
- Log in to the portal.
- From the top-left, click the Settings Icon(Gear Icon) > Lease Settings
- Click the ‘Upload Term’ button.
- Provide a meaningful Title and description (optional)
- Select the PDF file from your local computer and click ‘Upload.’
- Now, this file will be available in the ‘Additional terms’ step of the lease creation process.
If you need to convert a Microsoft Office document to a PDF file, simply save the file as a PDF. Follow this link for detailed steps: https://askalibrarian.csuohio.edu/faq/43438
Next: How to add ‘Additional Terms and Conditions‘ in a lease?