1. Click on the “User email dropdown” at the top right of the screen
2. Click “Business Profile”
3. Click “API Keys”
4. Select the option to API Documentation
5. Switch to “mipp.readme.io”
6. Now, get back to the API Key access page. you must pass two API keys in request header
7. Paste those pass keys here
8. Click “Try It!”
9. If the Success status demonstrates False. Then you have to do another simple steps.
Look, here you’re seeing a IP Address, Just copy it . View the message indicating the unauthorized IP address.
10. Then get back to the portal page & click this unauthorized IP address button
11. Enter the specified IP address you just copied
12. Submit the entered IP address & refresh this page
13. Then come back to the listing page & paste another time those pass keys & try it
14. Navigate to the “Headers” section
15. Here you can see your API documentation