“I am in the landlord signature section of the lease and it states 2 signatures are required to move forward. I can only see one area to sign. Can you advise?“
Currently, we have a disabled signature option from the admin portal (although it may show the “Sign here” option). It has been disabled due to a technical issue we have identified. We are working to fix the issue and soon, ‘Sign Here’ from the portal will be available.
For now, please send an email to one of the landlords to sign the lease document. The email will have a link and a code to open the lease document. Depending on the number of landlord names in the lease, it will show the correct number of signature boxes. Both landlords have to sign the lease at the same time. If you still do not see the required signature boxes, please email us at support@mipropertyportal.com, specifying tenant name(s).